DX-350 N 1300DX-350 N 激光水平仪切割机是切割头可移动的电动切割机。配备了一个切入式的切割头为专业人士提供多功能的切割。它非常适合切割各类瓷砖和建筑材料例如,大理石、花岗岩、砖、耐火材料等。 DX-350 N 电动切割机的马达安装在导轨上提供最高的精度和切割质量,使得获得完美的切割效果。瑞比的 DX-350 N 激光水平仪切割机铝结构更轻,提供高抗性使得可以在正常的工作条件下施工。...
TZ手动切割机在世界范围内,瑞比一致是质量和创新的代名词。 TZ手动切割机是瓷砖切割领域里的新概念,具有之前市场上未出现过的,革新性的建设性方案的分段力。 结合新一代的材料和创新的设计,瑞比的TZ系列已经成了当前市场上瓷砖铺贴领域最先进的手动切割机。 TZ手动切割机是纯粹的手工操作。最大1500Kg的分段力和分断机构,独家专利设计,可以使专业瓷砖铺贴工人单手操作,同时可以适用于大块瓷砖。...
DCX-250 XPERT 1250RUBI's DCX-250 Xpert range of professional cutters are designed for the intensive cutting of porcelain stoneware tiles (BIa), and any other type of tile (BIIa / BIIb / BIII / AIb), while allowing...
DC-250 PYTHON 850The RUBI range of DC-250 PYTHON electric cutters with high-precision mobile head that offers the professional maximum functionality and reliability. The DC-250 PYTHON range is ideal for intensive...
Slab CUTTERThe SLAB CUTTER manual cutting system allows precise cuts in large-format porcelain sheets. Its guides are made of aluminium to keep the entire tool lightweight. Its exclusive design prevents the...
Slim Cutter G2Recommended thicknesses between 3 and 10 mm. Specially designed for large tiles, it provides a perfect cut without chipping with a light and easy-to-store cutter. High durability of the 22 mm RUBI...
TX-MAX工业级手动瓷砖切割机The range of TX-MAX professional manual cutters are perfect for INTENSIVE cutting of all types of ceramic tile. Thanks to its high performance MULTIPOINT breaker and its rotating square system,...
TC-125 G2 circular sawCircular saw for cutting porcelain slabs and all types of ceramic tiles. Suitable for dry or wet cutting. Suitable for natural stone and sintered stone. Particularly suitable for large format...
DV- 200 1000瑞比 DV-200 1000电动切割机的切割头可移动,不仅可以直切还可以进行倒角为专业的瓷砖工人提供最大的实用性和可靠性。DV-200 1000是切割釉面砖和炻质瓷砖的理想选择,也可用于切割玻化砖或天然石材。 DV-200 1000的马达安装在导轨上提供最高的精度和切割质量,以及倒角切割的长度可达106厘米。 DV-200...
HIT-PLUSRobust and precise ceramic cutter, for the most demanding jobs in large-format ceramic tiles. Ideal for FREQUENT cutting of all types of ceramic tile (tile, glazed stoneware and porcelain...
TS-MAX手动切割机TS-MAX手动切割机系列为专业人员提供了一个轻便且实用的工具。 RUBI的 TS-MAX手动切割机是普通瓷砖密集切割的理想选择,特别适用于抛光砖的频繁切割(BIa型)。 所有型号的TS-MAX系列手动切割机包括一个实用的,高性能的单点分断器,具有800公斤的最大分断力,专门用于切割非常硬的材料,最大切割厚度为15毫米。...