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Soft black rubber mallet

Black rubber mallets with two flat faces to seat the tiles and improve the wetting of the ceramic adhesive.

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عن طريق تسجيل هذا المنتج في RUBI CLUB

كسب حتى 3 نقطة RUBI

الضمان الموسع


Within the family of tools and tools for tiling and flooring, the professional ceramic tile setter can find the rubber clubs with flat faces of RUBI. The flat-faced rubber mallet is one of the most used tools by the professional ceramic tile installer. The main function of the rubber mallet is to facilitate the correct settlement and position of the ceramic tile during its installation, as well as to ensure the adequate percentage of adhesive coverage. The flat-faced rubber clubs from RUBI are...

نماذج هذا المنتج
اكتشف الطيف الكامل من الخيارات والتكوينات.
swipeاستخدم شريط التمرير الأفقي أسفل الجدول لعرض المزيد من نماذج المنتجات إذا كانت متوفرة
Soft black rubber mallet 26.4 oz. (750 gr.)
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