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TIGER-185 Manual Cutter Side Stop

TIGER manual cutters are rugged and precise ceramic cutters for the most demanding jobs in large format ceramics. The TIGER are ideal for frequent cutting of all types of ceramics (tile, enamelled st

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TIGER manual cutters are rugged and precise ceramic cutters for the most demanding jobs in large format ceramics.

The TIGER are ideal for frequent cutting of all types of ceramics (tile, enamelled stoneware and porcelain stoneware).

Equipped with a movable separator of high performance, the TIGER can apply a power of 800 kg at the moment of separating the material. In addition, the separator assembly incorporates a revolutionary MAGNET RUBI system, which allows the locking and unlocking of...

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TIGER-185 Manual Cutter Side Stop
RUBI نقاط
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