Building the

future together

  • 10 Most Common Mistakes When Installing Tile Floor

    Last year alone, homeowners had 3.05 billion square feet of tile installed in homes in the United States. Installing tile floor is the go-to method for modernizing the look of a home. No matter what style of tile you choose, tile done wrong will have a negative effect on the look of your home. Don't let this stop yo...
  • Subfloor for Tile Installation: Everything You Need to Know

    A recent study showed that 57% of Americans viewed their homes a "work in progress."Millions of homeowners would love the comfort, sophistication, and cleanliness of a renovated kitchen or bathroom. A new floor will add a gleaming, polished touch to your home. The tile installation may not be as difficult as yo...
  • The Complete Guide to Select the Right Tile for Your Project

    Why is it so difficult to choose the right tile? It should be only a question of which pattern goes best with the furniture, or what color can make the room look bigger than it is. Instead, you’ll most likely be confronted with a list of questions that can leave the average consumer a bit confused. What’s a PEI rat...
  • Find The Correct Tile Saw For Your Project

    Best Tile Saw - Meta Slider Image
    There is no shortage of tile saw products out there. From small, DIY hand cutters, to large industrial tile saws, you’ve got plenty of options. Whether you’re a seasoned tiler, or you’re just getting started with your first tile installation, you may be wondering which one to choose. In this article, we’ll discuss ...
  • Different types of tile: What’s the difference?

    We live in an age where choices are in abundance. From the toothpaste we buy to the coffee we drink, sometimes it may seem like there are too many options to choose from, and a tile installation comes with just as many options as anything else. When it comes to renovating a home, the possibilities are endless. In tr...
  • Boost Your Efficiency With These 10 Tile Grouting Tips and Techniques

    If you've read our opinion on the pitfalls of groutless tile installation, you'll know how strongly we believe that grouting can make all the difference to your tiling job.Yes, grouting takes up a lot of time and can be meticulous work. But it also makes your tiled surfaces last longer, and well-appli...
  • 9 of the Biggest DIY Flooring Mistakes Homeowners Make

    Installing new floors is a great way to update the look of your home while adding fresh appeal. While style and design are key components of the decision-making process, homeowners often neglect other areas that should be taken into consideration. Whether you choose hardwood, ceramic tiles, vinyl, or laminate floori...
  • Rubi Tools USA at Coverings 2019

    Coverings has been for almost thirty years the preeminent event for the ceramic tile & natural stone industry in North America. For that reason, RUBI Tools can not miss this opportunity to show you the most powerful tile tools on earth. This April 9th to 12nd visit the Orange County Convention Center Orlando at ...
  • Pro Tips for Choosing and Installing the Perfect Backsplash Tile

    59% of homeowners plan to remodel or update their properties this year with bathrooms and kitchens topping the list of spaces to get a makeover. The right kitchen or bath remodel can even increase the value of your home.    One quick and cost-effective home improvement project is to add a new backsplash. It enhan...
  • Find The Correct Tile Saw For Your Project

    Best Tile Saw - Meta Slider Image
    There is no shortage of tile saw products out there. From small, DIY hand cutters, to large industrial tile saws, you’ve got plenty of options. Whether you’re a seasoned tiler, or you’re just getting started with your first project of tile installation, you may be wondering which one to choose.In this article, we’ll...