Building the

future together

  • 9 of the Biggest DIY Flooring Mistakes Homeowners Make

    Installing new floors is a great way to update the look of your home while adding fresh appeal. While style and design are key components of the decision-making process, homeowners often neglect other areas that should be taken into consideration. Whether you choose hardwood, ceramic tiles, vinyl, or laminate floori...
  • Pro Tips for Choosing and Installing the Perfect Backsplash Tile

    59% of homeowners plan to remodel or update their properties this year with bathrooms and kitchens topping the list of spaces to get a makeover. The right kitchen or bath remodel can even increase the value of your home.    One quick and cost-effective home improvement project is to add a new backsplash. It enhan...
  • Find The Correct Tile Saw For Your Project

    Best Tile Saw - Meta Slider Image
    There is no shortage of tile saw products out there. From small, DIY hand cutters, to large industrial tile saws, you’ve got plenty of options. Whether you’re a seasoned tiler, or you’re just getting started with your first project of tile installation, you may be wondering which one to choose.In this article, we’ll...
  • Zero Dust: A New Revolutionary Concept

    Dust seems to be a package deal when it comes to tile cutting, doesn't it? Even with all the professional tile tools you have in your arsenal, you still don’t seem to keep the amount of dust you create during a project under control. And, although you’ve got accustomed to it, dust can be extremely dangerous. Zero du...
  • How to improve the finish of silicone joints

    Planes to improve joints finishing
    Why are they necessary They are needed because all tiles expand and contract with temperature and moisture changes. In almost every case the substrate will move differently to the covering material. The larger the tile field, the more it will expand and contract, and be vulnerable to failure. In 95 per cent of today...
  • How to cut efficiently slim ceramics

    Slim system to cut ceramics
    In recent months have proliferated under thick ceramic and large format. These new materials generically called "Slim" are setting a new trend in the world of ceramic tiles. With thicknesses ranging from 3 to 8 mm, and lengths of between 3 and 3.6 mm, these type of ceramic materials have become a real challenge for ...
  • How to install tiles: step by step and tools you need

    How to install tiles
    Even if it is a simple work, people usually don’t know how to install tiles in a right way at home. The most important thing is having the proper tools and products. Here we show you what you have to do to complete this task successfully. 1) First of all, you have to make sure that the ground or the wall you are goi...
  • Ceramic tiles for external places: uses and tips

    Ceramic tiles for external places are a very used choice since many centuries ago, thanks to its technical advantages and to its versatility in design terms. Beyond that, it is very cheap as well. In this article we will tell you some tips you must know about its use and its installation. The simplest option when us...
  • Ceramic refurbishments, a safe

    [caption id="attachment_736" align="alignleft" width="300"] Ceramic refurbishments[/caption] The endless choices in ceramic tiles permits ceramic refurbishments "on demand" in the home with ease, speed and security. When a refurbishing at home, pottery is the perfect material to achieve stunning results. And it is ...