Building the

future together

  • Best Tile Cutter: Manual vs. Electric

    best tile cutter
    What is the best tile cutter? Should you opt for a manual tile cutter or an electric tile cutter? These are the two best tile cutting tools, but choosing the right one depends on the specific job at hand, the materials you’re cutting, and the space to work in. That’s why we’re going over how to choose the best tile ...
  • Installing Tile Floor: 10 Common Mistakes to Avoid

    installing tile floor
    It can be overwhelming figuring out where to start when you first learn how to tile and you're installing tile floor. Billions of square feet of floor tile are installed in US homes each year and the UK has seen similar trends. If you're learning how to tile, mistakes are inevitable. However, these mistak...
  • The Best Tiling Equipment for your Projects

    tiling equipment
    Tiling is an art form. It’s not about knowing how to tile, but it requires years of practice and a good eye for design to bring the project together. One of the most important aspects nowadays is knowing what tiling equipment and tools are best for the job at hand. One tile cutter is perfect for one type of...
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