Building the

future together

  • What Is a Grout Float and How Do You Use It?

    grout float
    You’ve just learned how to tile and you’re installing your first tile project. Everything looks good except there are spaces between the tiles. What do you do? Simply apply grout between these spaces using a grout float. This creates the impression of a continuous surface. But what is a grout float and how d...
  • How Does Epoxy Grout Differ from Cement Grout?

    Epoxy Grout
    When you first learn how to tile, you will probably have been introduced to cement grout as a standard to use in your work. But more tilers are turning to epoxy grout for indoor and outdoor home tile sealing. Epoxy grout is one of the many types of grout available to tilers, but how is it different from cement? ...
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