If you are looking for a new look for your patio, something modern and stylish, you could consider learning how to tile 20mm porcelain tiles. Learning how to lay outdoor tiles will give it a contemporary feel, although not the most cost efficient.
There are a number of ways to tile an exterior, the most e...
Tips & Tricks - 3
It's always useful to know how to drill through tile perfectly, even if you’ve completed successful tiling projects in the past. If the design is exquisite, the tiles are perfectly cut, and everything lays evenly, it’s quite the piece of art, but your job is not finished yet. Now comes the part that could ...VIEW MORE
Knowing how to tile a kitchen wall can significantly enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your space. Beyond just adding style, tiles also provide a durable and easy-to-clean surface that withstands the demands of a busy kitchen environment. However, to achieve a professional finish, there are careful steps t...VIEW MORE
Laying tiles can be an art. It’s about not only cutting and placing tiles, it requires years of practice and a good eye for design to plan a layout and merge tiles of different textures and thickness together in an appealing pattern. And it’s not only about the experience and expertise of the tiler, it's also about ...VIEW MORE
So you’ve decided your room is in need of an update. Your current décor is not to your taste and it’s time you gave it a bit of a makeover. Maybe you’ve already found some stylish new tiles to install. But there’s a problem! Your current walls are still covered in your old, outdated til...VIEW MORE
Patios are one of the outdoor living spaces that add the most value to your home. But before you can start setting up your furniture, water features, or fire pits, you need to learn how to tile outdoors first. Deciding on the right type of outdoor tile can be a daunting process if you don’t know what you s...VIEW MORE
Choosing and using a manual tile cutter can be a complicated task. Since a manual tile cutter is one of the fundamental tools in our daily work, in today’s how to tile blog, we want to help facilitate so that all tiling professionals who will have to face this decision sooner or later can make the best choice for th...VIEW MORE
Once you learn how to tile, you realise that not all tile installations are the same. Some jobs can take days, even weeks to complete. If you have tricky corners to tile, it’s even harder. Outside corner tiling produces its own problems too, such as how to hide the cut edges. Deciding how to tackle these issue...VIEW MORE
Are you considering adding tiles to your bathroom? Smart thinking. When added to your kitchen or bathroom, tile can drastically increase your home’s value. If you install tile flooring yourself, your ROI can surpass 100%. How do you tile inside corners, though? Let’s explore how to tile insi...VIEW MORE
When you first learn how to tile, cement grout is often presented as the standard option for sealing your work. However, more tilers are now opting for epoxy grout for both indoor and outdoor projects. Epoxy grout is just one of several types available, but how does it differ from cement grout? In 2018, s...VIEW MORE